Category: Posts
Honeygain: Phone Farm – Passive Income
Now, however, the profit remains steady at $0.15-$0.49 a day using 2 phones. Per the picture above (taken in Feb 2020), at its peak, I was bringing in $1.10-$2.25 a day using a 9 phone Honeygain farm. The generated traffic on the right is kinda nuts. Honeygain works by effectively paying you for a portion…
Risks to Electrical Grid Distribution Systems
GAO-21-81, ELECTRICITY GRID CYBERSECURITY: DOE Needs to Ensure Its Plans Fully Address Risks to Distribution Systems “The grid’s distribution systems, which carry to consumers the electricity essential to modern life, are increasingly at risk from cyberattacks.” A bill intended to address industrial control systems (ICS) risks advanced in the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this…
The Future Of Warfare And The Present Reality Some People Are Living In This Twitter thread is important. It gets to the root of a lot of what is happening in our world right now and offers an informed view on where we are heading. Given that Mr. Fellow has an interest in cybersecurity and national security, the golden tidbits from this thread are clear: reality is…