Category: Posts

  • The Great $witcheroo

    The Great $witcheroo

    I was on my computer the other night looking at used phones on eBay. I would say it’s just a bad habit I’ve formed, but it’s honestly just a passionate hobby. The trouble is when I want to buy a phone for too much or that I really don’t need. So, anyways, I found this…

  • My Favorite Food

    My Favorite Food

    2.5lbs of watermelon contains only 80 calories. Plus, the super food is extremely filling. Those are just a couple of the reasons why I love watermelon so much! It contains water, which I love, it’s a healthy, delicious snack, and it’s not that expensive. The only thing about watermelon is that you, or at least…

  • The BEST Place To Buy Cheap Glasses

    The BEST Place To Buy Cheap Glasses

    The best place to buy cheap glasses is The ruling is unequivocal, as I have had outstanding experience purchasing glasses from Zenni. A pair of brand new, quality prescription glasses costs as little as $7! ($about $12 with shipping). Just yesterday, I got a new pair of sleek, Clark Kent style glasses to complete…