In researching cellphone plans, I realized that not everyone requires the same needs for their cellular service.
For example, a teenager looking to get their first phone plan and a proprietor running their own business require vastly different service. Because of this, I decided to create a list of the best phone plans for every kind of person.
My main research methods involved using Whistelout and spending copious amounts of time looking at each of the mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) listed here. There are other lists, but Joe’s list from BestMVNO is the best out there.
It is important to note that using an MVNO will always be cheaper than going with a direct plan from one of the “Big Four” wireless carriers, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile. There is no downside to using an MVNO, and it is something that everyone should be doing, especially in 2019.
However, not every MVNO is created equal. I have taken that into consideration at the time of writing this, and the plans listed here will provide you with the most value, whatever your needs may be.
As a general rule of thumb, the reliability and coverage of the “Big Four” are in order as follows: Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, then T-Mobile.
This does NOT mean that you need Verizon. If you live in the city or in a place that looks like it gets coverage according to, say, T-Mobile’s coverage map, than that carrier will most likely be fine!
Regardless, because this list is intended to be all encompassing and not carrier biased, I will include the best phone plans on every network so that you can switch from whatever service you currently have to your same carrier.
The carrier specific lists below all include three levels of phone plans based on need:
Gold – This phone plan offers an uncompromising experience compared to its Big Four network counterpart. Includes unlimited calling, texting, and high-speed data. It is recommended if you travel, stream, or need to be working frequently. Ideal for power users or those with no WiFi at home.
Silver – This phone plan offers an uncompromising experience compared to its Big Four network counterpart. Includes unlimited calling, texting, slowed data, and a reasonable amount of high-speed data for daily or work related use. Ideal for the above average user.
Bronze – This phone plan offers an uncompromising experience compared to its Big Four network counterpart. Includes unlimited calling/texting and little to no amount of data. Ideal for teenagers, senior citizens, recent flip phone users, or people who are around WiFi a lot, e.g. college students.
Free – This phone plan is FREE! Experience may be lower quality than a traditional Big Four carrier. Plan features may vary or be limited.
ALL plans on this list will offer an uncompromising experience compared to its Big Four network counterpart. Also, every plan on this list offers unlimited calling and texting. The only difference is the allotment of LTE data. I consider 3GB-5GB to be more than enough data (I personally use about ~500MB/Mo), but the most premium plan option, Gold, includes unlimited high-speed data as well.
I do NOT recommend Gold as the best phone plane in each category! There is no need for the average person to have so much data. Most other plans that come with data include unlimited slowed data (2G) after the amount of high-speed (4G LTE) data is used. With that being said, all plan options are recommended and will work well depending on how much data you think you need or use.
Here are the best phone plans for every person in the greatest country in the world, the United States of America.
The Most Valuable Plan (MVP)
The Freemium Fellow’s MVP for 2019 goes to:
MVP – Pix Wireless.
I would recommend this MVNO to anyone who wants to switch their service in favor of a cheaper monthly phone bill. The plans offered run on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, or T-Mobile, so it is easy to switch from whatever provider you are with. All plans come with unlimited 2G data and range from $15-$50.
Although this is my all around pick for your next phone plan, there might be some better deals depending on what carrier you want. In most cases, it will be a matter of $5-$10, however, look at the section below for the best deal from every carrier!
Freemium MVP – Google Voice.
Free phone service by Google! Voice offers free calling and texting over WiFi or data. You can signup for free at any time and get a free phone number. Works on Android, iOS, and in your browser. Read more about why it is my freemium MVP here.
The Best Phone Plans (Verizon) 
Gold – Visible. Unlimited high-speed data – $40
Silver – Pix Wireless. 500MB or 2GB of high-speed data – $15 / $20
Bronze – Twigby. No data – $13
Free – None
The Best Phone Plans (AT&T) 
Gold – Cricket Wireless. Unlimited high-speed data – $55
Silver – Good2Go Mobile. 1GB or 3GB of high-speed data – $15 / $20
Bronze – FreeUP Mobile. 200MB of high-speed data cap; No 2G – $10
Free – FreedomPop and FreeUP Mobile. Take a close look at these plans so you know what you are getting yourself into – $0
The Best Phone Plans (Sprint) 
Gold – Sprint. Unlimited high-speed data – $25
Silver – Ting. 20GB of high-speed data – $20
Bronze – Tello Mobile. 500MB or 2GB of high-speed data – $9 / $14
Free – None
The Best Phone Plans (T-Mobile) 
Gold – SIMPLE Mobile. Unlimited high-speed data – $45
Silver – Mint Mobile. 3GB of high-speed data – $15
Bronze – None
Free – None
If, after reading this, you think you can find a better deal on a plan more suited towards you personally, I encourage you to do your own research! The go-to place for phone plans, which I have utilized for years now, is Whistleout. There is really no other site quite like it, and I highly recommend it.
If you have the time, it can be a great activity looking for a new phone plan. However, I did my best to summarize the best phone plans out there for a wide range of people, and hopefully it gets rid of some of the headache of searching if you are someone who just wants the best deal.
As a closing note, whether you are someone who already has a phone plan with a carrier or is using an MVNO that doesn’t offer as good a deal as the ones listed above, never be afraid to switch! Companies have gotten much better about processing new users and helping them switch to a new carrier in recent years.
I hope you got something useful out of this post and that it helps you cut costs off of your monthly phone bill!
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