‘Twas the night before Red Pocket, when all through the house
Not a service was stirring, not even for free;
The numbers were ported by The Freemium Fellow with care,
In hopes that phone service soon would be there.
Anyways, hoped off the FreedomPop train. It’s been a long time coming but the free plan went belly up. This also means I left Google Voice after about a little less than a decade with them. Man it was fun but it’s time for The Freemium Fellow to grow up a little bit!
Good news is that I went to Red Pocket Mobile. They had an eBay plan that was about $95 I think for a 360 plan. Unlimited talk/text/1GB capped data; legit phone service.
They also bought FreedomPop last year. So, in a way, I’m still following the good old boy. Google Voice is gone though… That will take some getting used to, but it was fun while it lasted.
Merry Christmas, -TFF
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